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Tourist tax, an essential resource

This platform allows you to declare your monthly information online.


  • Consult / modify your personal information and your accommodations
  • Update your closing times
  • Fill in your landlord register
  • Send your monthly declaration and access your previous declarations
  • Edit a receipt for your guests
  • Consult the FAQ
  • Have access to documents at your disposal
  • Contact the person in charge of the tourist tax = tourist tax referent
  • Print out your recap
Collection periods ?

Collection periods:

  • 1st stage from Jan, 1st to April, 30th
  • 2nd stage from May, 1st to December, 31st

The tourist tax rate depends on the accommodation categories and the star-ranking. They are decided per person and per night.

Maupetit Jérôme
05 45 20 34 94
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Téléchargez le formulaire
What is the tourist tax used for ?

Thanks to the tourist tax, the costs of tourist development are not only financed by inhabitants. The outcome of the tourist tax is used to promote the area (article L.2333-27 of CGCT general code of regional government). Everyone takes advantage of the tourist tax: more financial means for local public actors, better tourist and leisure infrastructures for tourists and accommodation owners. Moreover, all the information you give on this platform will help to know more about the tourist visiting figures and to adapt the tourist promotion tools.

Who pays the tourist tax ?

The tourist tax is paid by people who rent an accommodation in exchange of money, who are not resident in the area, and who do not have a residence for which they could pay the council tax. Only over 18 years old guests can pay the tourist tax.

Who collects it and who for ?

The tourist tax is paid by tourists and collected by accommodation owners. Once collected, accommodation owners give the money back to the PETR du Pays Ruffécois.

Which type of accommodations ?

The tourist tax is collected all year long by the following tourist accommodations:

  • Hotel and palace,
  • Bed and breakfast,
  • Holiday cottage,
  • Camping site,
  • Group Inn
  • Campervan site
  • Holiday village,
  • Tourism residence,
  • Marina,
  • All other forms of tourist accommodation.
Who is exempted ?
  • Children under 18 years old,
  • Seasonal workers employed in the area,
  • People having an emergency accommodation or a temporary rehousing
  • People who pay a rent less than 1 € per night and per person.